Thursday, November 29, 2012

Way way behind

I for some reason keep doing this. I am way too far behind on posts. I did have the blogger app installed on my phone and went and started some posts and then realized that on the app version you can't save the posts. Boo!
So where to begin...Allen is one month and 3 days old. I have no idea where the time goes. He's a little chunk munk now and I love his little chubby cheeks.
Now to back track. Allen wasn't even a week old and I got a call from our nurse practitioner that his newborn screening results came back and he tested abnormal on one of them. He tested abnormal on the cystic fibrosis test. I immediately went numb. She went on to tell me that we would go to have tests done and if I had any questions. I was in shock and didn't not know what to say. It almost seemed like I couldn't form words. We were referred to the children's hospital in Milwaukee. I called and made our appointment. As soon as I hung up the phone I started bawling. It was so hard to hear that my son who wasn't even a week old could potentially have something wrong with him. How was this possible? I look at him and he seems also mind you this all happened on Adam's first day back to work. Talk about a whirlwind.
The following Tuesday we headed up to Milwaukee. Allen was to have a sweat test. Individuals with cystic fibrosis have more salt in their sweat than individuals who don't have it. The test started out with putting electrodes on his arms with a gel underneath to stimulate the skin to sweat. Now anyone that knows my child knows that he loves to move his arms and have his hands by his face. The nurse and I had to hold his arms down, so of course Allen screamed the whole five minutes he had to wear the electrodes. I almost started crying right then and there. Then sterilized gauze got put on his arms to collect the sweat. And the wait started. During our wait period a genetics specialist came and talked with us. She said that in Allen's newborn screen he did test abnormal and they looked at his blood work. They were able to find one mutated gene. This test could come out one of three ways. Positive which means he does have cystic fibrosis and he would get put on medicine immediately, negative which means he is just the carrier for it, or borderline which can be very frustrating. If it came back borderline they would take a blood sample and go and look through the blood work more in depth to see if they could find another mutated gene. They would also bring us back to take another sweat test. A person that has cystic fibrosis has two recessive mutated genes. Since Allen for sure has the one he is at least a carrier for it which means when he is older, gets married and decides to have babies of his own he has to be aware of if his wife is a carrier because their children will have the possibility of having it. So, 30 minutes later the gauze was taken off along with the tape and everything else. We dressed Allen and walked passed the lab to find out if he did sweat enough to run the tests. We found out that he did not sweat enough. My heart sunk. This meant that we would have to come back and retest. So I still have no answer to whether he has it or not. We were told to come back in a month and get retested since he would be bigger then. I have to call and make his appointment.
Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a long holiday weekend for Allen and I and we were definitely happy to get back home. After about a day of being home Allen seemed to be getting sick. I took him to the doctor and he has a cold. So hard to see when your baby is so little and there's not much you can do for them. Hopefully he gets better soon. Of course I'm sick too! I think this is the first cold I have had in a very long time. I'm hoping it stays a cold and doesn't turn into something worse. I'm starting to get a bad cough and let's see where this goes.
I officially have a new job. It is at a local daycare in the area and Allen will be going to work with me. I'm so excited about this center and all the great things to come. I'm hoping to be starting December 10th which is right around the corner.
Next post to come will be about the lifesavers for us in the first month and any changes that have come.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

It's a BOY! Allen's Birth Story

First I had to show a picture of how perfect he is!
Adam and I went into labor and delivery 5:30 am on Friday. I got checked in and my IV put in right away, shortly after my doctor came in and broke my water. I got a bag of fluid hung, penicillin since I tested GBS positive, and pitocin. I got checked and was dilated to 4 cm and 80-90% effaced. I was taking to the pitocin really well so they upped the dosage. Shortly after I asked to get up and walk around to help push baby against my cervix. Adam and I would walk 15-20 steps and I would get a contraction. I would use Adam's arms to support me and I would blow through the contraction. We made 3-4 laps around the L and D wing and I wanted to go back to my room. My nurse came in and checked me again and I was 5+ cm dilated. They set up the birthing cart and started getting everything ready since I was progressing so nicely. Shortly after that my Mom and Dad arrived and my contractions were getting crazy strong, and very close together. I kept talking to Adam and decided that at this point maybe getting an epidural might be right for me because I didn't know if I would be able to handle much more. This was awful for me to come to a realization about because I wanted to go all natural, no types of drugs. I also told my parents when they got there that I didn't care that they were in the room, but it wasn't pretty since my contractions were so bad. 
I paged my nurse and said that I wanted an epidural and to page anesthesiology. They did and I just had to wait for him/her to get there. This made me break down a little, but I knew I was doing only what I could handle. This is when everything went crazy painful, crazy fast. I had my parents leave and I got checked again and I was 9+ cm and almost ready to start pushing. My mind went straight to thinking about the epidural and how I wasn't going to be getting it. I was excited and upset at the same time. I then screamed and told my nurse I had the urge to push, sure enough I was 10 cm dilated. The anesthesiologist walked in and my nurse goes she's 9-10 we won't be needed you, I waved him goodbye and tried to just breathe. WAY, WAY easier said than done. 
I began to push and my pushes were actually doing something and I could feel everything that I was doing. In between pushes I was put on oxygen to make sure that baby was getting enough. I got to the point of feeling intense pressure and knew that baby was so close. My doctor was brought into the room and after 3-4 more good pushes baby was out. I got to the point where my stomach was flat and I could see what I was doing. I saw the top of baby's head and I didn't care if I was having a contraction to help or not I was not letting baby slip back up. I was getting baby out! 
The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and he was slightly blue. Adam was able to cut the cord and they brought baby directly over to the warming table. Before he was brought over it was announced he was a boy and I couldn't help, but cry with happiness. 
Oh I also forgot before my pushes got real intense Katie showed up to help coach me and to take pictures for us. Adam and Katie went over to the warming table with baby and I was left to push out my afterbirth. I was completely exhausted. My doctor assured me that it would only take one small push, nothing like pushing baby out. She rubbed my lower abdomen I gave one small push and the placenta was out. I didn't tear and didn't get an episiotomy either. I got a small abrasion on the inside that required two stitches. 
Allen Lloyd Jamerson was born 10/26/12 at 12:50 pm weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces and 20 inches long.

Shortly after Allen was all wrapped up and I was able to hold my son for the first time. Can you see the joy in my face? Words cannot describe the feelings that were running through me when he was handed to me from Adam. It was so crazy to think that he was inside me and now he's on the outside and he's so perfect!
My labor was 7 hours long and I had 1 hour of pushing. I progressed from a 5 to a 10 in less than an hour. My doctor joked with me that morning that she wanted me to have a baby before 3 we sure did beat that time. My doctor was so happy with how great I did and she told me that I was made to have babies with how my labor went.That was something great to hear. 
Allen and I were doing great after labor. He did so good the first night, he slept well, he fed really well. We were told that we would be able to leave any time after 1 on Saturday. We were discharged at 6 pm yesterday and got to enjoy home. 
My parents helped us once we got home to introduce Allen to the pets. First he met Dexter and Chevy and then met Emma. Ace was last to meet Allen since he was so wound up. My parents are here for the weekend to help us with anything that we needed and take care of the dogs when we were in the hospital. 
Allen's birth story is simply amazing and I can't believe that this is how it all happened. Adam and I have been praying since we found out we were pregnant that the pregnancy and baby would be healthy and that I would have an easy delivery. I don't think I could've asked for an easier delivery. God truly was on our side through labor. I could feel him there with us. That was an amazing feeling as well. God has tenfold blessed Adam and I in our marriage and he has now blessed us with an amazing son. I can't wait to watch him grow.
I'm sure I'm forgetting some things about the amazing day and I will try my best to update this post if I did forget something big and am also going to do my best to update of how life of being a mommy is going!


Baby is the size of a pumpkin

How far along: 38 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 37 pounds and I'm super puffy
Maternity clothes: Very big all over so I'm wearing whatever fits
Stretch marks: Just still the one
Sleep: Very restless, more like barely sleeping
Best moment of the week: Finding out I'm getting induced on Friday
Miss anything: Wearing my wedding rings
Movement: Butt poking out and baby rolling 
Food cravings: Any kind of cereal
Have you started to show: Still 36 cm which means baby really did drop
Gender prediction: I think boy
Labor signs: Dilated 3 cm and 75% effaced
Belly button in or out: 50/50
Wedding rings on or off: Off and being worn on a necklace. Thank you hypertension
Happy or moody: Happy with some emotional breakdowns
Looking forward to: Friday

Saturday, October 20, 2012

A Long Night and Today a Wake up Call

Oh where to begin, I have so much running through my mind. Yesterday I felt completely miserable. After going to the doctor on Thursday I got a headache that would not go away. I tried to get a hold of my doctor almost all day on Friday and finally got a hold of my nurse. She suggested that with the headache I had that would not go away with necessary measures that I go into labor and delivery to get monitored. I waited for Adam to come home and up to Kenosha we went. I got checked in and directly hooked up to monitors and an IV line was put in in case I was staying overnight. I had blood drawn, a urine sample taken (was told that I would be doing a 24 hour urine sample) interesting to say the least, and had my bp taken every 15 minutes. The doctor on call was in surgery and was being let know what was going on with me. The doctor finally came in and talked to me after which seemed forever. My labs came back ok, but one of my labs was elevated and it was of slight concern. He was also worried about my headache. I was given IV fluid bolus which means I got the whole bag of fluid in an hour, fentanyl to try and get rid of the pain of my headache, and something else to help with my nausea. The doctor told me that fentanyl is some strong stuff and it's like taking some shots followed by a beer, the only problem is that it wears off quickly. So I was given all of this fun and holy crap did the fentanyl hit quickly. I felt drunk almost instantly. It was suggested that I try and sleep. Way easier said than done since I still had the bp cuff on and it was going off every 15 minutes. My pain in my head had not gone down at all. The doctor came back in and was still not happy with how it had not gone down, my nausea was gone completely though. I was asked if I would be able to take an oral pill if prescribed it and I said yes. I was prescribed a migraine medicine to see if that would work at all. I was also given more IV fluid, slower this time though. I was then told to wait to see if this would work. Finally around 1 am my pain was decreased and then shortly went away. We were told they would let the doctor know and go from there. Around 2, I was discharged and sent home back to bed rest and to make sure I go to my doctor's appointment on Monday. They said my bp was ok and that my headache most likely started off as a bp headache and then turned into a migraine. Very happy that my headache is gone. It was a very long night to say the least. Adam and I got home and didn't make it to bed until 3 something. He got up and went to the academy today on roughly 3 hours of sleep, I feel awful. I'm ready for him to get home and get into bed because I know he is tired. So I'm still collecting my pee until 3 and I get to drop it off. They want to know if protein is present in it because that is a sign I'm preeclamptic. Ready for this to be done because it's super weird. Now just to get through the weekend and onto Monday to see my doctor. 

Now onto the wake up call. I have Celiac and have since the first of the year. My diet since finding out has been 100% gluten-free since finding out. Yes I have had the occasional mishap which has not been fun on my system. I just recently found my all time favorite bread. It is made by Udi's Gluten Free Foods. Well today while on Facebook they made a post asking whether you avoid hygiene products and cosmetics that contain gluten. This thought never never never crossed my mind. There's so many products that I use every day that I don't eat but they may contain gluten. These products may be effecting me and I don't even realize. HOLY CRAP!!!!! So now I will be seriously thinking about this, reading labels, and discussing with Adam what he thinks. I may be changing up a whole bunch of items in the house and that's scary. Let alone talk about expensive and with me off of work since Bambino has been crazy since week 34 it makes it even more scary financially. 

Oh the joys of having an auto-immune disease and realizing how much of my life it effects. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

37 Weeks and an Interesting Doctor Visit

Baby is now the size of a winter melon, whatever melon that is I've never heard of it before.

How far along: 37 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 36 pounds and I'm puffy
Maternity clothes: I feel like barely anything fits so whatever covers my belly I wear
Stretch marks: More like mark, one on my belly
Sleep: Sleep has been awful!
Best moment of the week: Seeing that baby dropped
Miss anything: My fleece jackets zipping and sleep
Movement: Turning and moving like crazy
Food cravings: Captain Crunch Berries
Have you started to show: Still 36 cm which means baby really did drop
Gender prediction: I think boy
Labor signs: Still having irregular contractions, dilated 1-2 cm and 50% effaced 
Belly button in or out: 50/50
Wedding rings on or off: Off and being worn on a necklace. Thank you puffy hands
Happy or moody: Happy with some emotional breakdowns
Looking forward to: Monday checkup with doctor

So today before doctor came in my blood pressure was high. I got checked by doctor told that baby did drop so my feeling was right. I am dilated 1-2 centimeters and 5o% effaced. She then told me since my blood pressure was high that she was going to have Gigi come back in and check it again. When it got checked again it came down but was still high for me. My blood pressure has been amazing and super low through my whole pregnancy and for it to be where it was was slightly alarming. My doctor told me I looked puffy and I completely agreed with her. I feel like a balloon and I'm pretty sure I have a slight pregnancy waddle which I am NOT happy about. 
So I go back on Monday to the doctor to get my blood pressure checked and we are going to go from there. I am also basically back on bed rest. From what it sounds like there is a chance that I will be induced on Monday if my blood pressure is still high. I am ok with this because I'm anxious to meet baby A and I want whatever is best for baby and I. I don't want to mess around with high blood pressure/hypertension and it turn into preeclampsia. 
Very curious  to see how the weekend goes and how my checkup on Monday goes.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

36 Weeks

Baby is the size of a honeydew melon.

How far along: 36 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 32 pounds and I don't even want to think about it. I think my face is getting fat and I'm NOT happy
Maternity clothes: Mix and match
Stretch marks: Still just one on the front of my belly
Sleep: Extremely restless
Best moment of the week: Being released to normal activity
Miss anything: Good sleep
Movement: Moving like crazy
Food cravings:Chocolate
Have you started to show: Measured at 36 cm today
Gender prediction:Still leaning more towards boy
Labor signs: Contractions have not stopped since last Tuesday. I'm dilated to 1 cm and 25% effaced
Belly button in or out: Close to popping or that's what it looks like
Wedding rings on or off: Mostly off and I'm beyond sad about this
Happy or moody: Happy 
Looking forward to: Figuring some things out after this weekend.

Well I have been released from bed rest for at least the time being. I am to resume normal activity through the weekend and see how it goes. Doctor said I'm in early labor and she does not know how long it could last. If I go from early labor to full active labor they will not stop it. Very exciting but somewhat nerve wracking at the same time. I'm to see how the weekend goes since I'm always having contractions but they aren't consistent yet. Today my contractions have been strong, inconsistent and a pain when they are in my back. As I'm typing I'm having a back contraction. I think those are the worst because it makes my whole lower back hurt. Very curious to see how the rest of the weekend goes with my contractions. If they become too much then I will not be returning to work, and this is very bittersweet for me. I know though that if I can't do my normal activity with my contractions there is no way that I can work full time with infants and have contractions. A lot is up in the air until Sunday and I'm very curious as to what is going to happen. I'm planning on spending the weekend in Freeport this weekend since Adam has a test tomorrow and class on Saturday and Sunday from 7-6. Oh the joys of him being in the fire academy. Since I've been released it will be nice to get out of the house and spend some family time in Freeport. This also might be the last "long distance" trip that I take before baby is here. Also this all depends on how tomorrow goes and what Bambino decides to do. I have always felt like baby would come early I just don't know if I was/am prepared for this early, but if baby is ready there is no stopping him/her and I'm just along for the ride. Updates soon to come with how the weekend goes.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Week 35 and 6 days on Bed Rest

Baby is the size of a coconut. 

This post I'm going to talk more about bed rest than answer my normal weekly questions. Plus I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow that will better answer those questions. Bed rest has been interesting. In the middle of these six days we had another baby shower. It turned out amazing and we got so many great things from our friends and family. Also during bed rest I finished and mailed out thank you's from the first baby shower, and this week I will be finishing off thank you's for this most recent shower. Mailing out thank you's to specifically thank each and every person is super important to me. I have been still having contractions but they are very random and not consistent. I have been doing my best to sit or lay down while on bed rest. I have a book that I have managed somehow to last 6 days, which is so unusual for me. I have found lots of things to keep me occupied so I think that's why I have made this book last so long. 
On Monday Adam and I ran some quick errands and got the last of the items that we needed for baby. The nursery is officially ready and that makes me so excited for baby A. I need to take some pictures of the finished nursery. It has turned out simply amazing.
I am very excited for my doctor's appointment tomorrow to see what she says.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bed Rest Day 1

Ok so here begins my path of bed rest. Very curious to see how this goes. I'm currently on bed rest until next Thursday. I'm scheduled with a two week appointment then and I was told we will discuss further what she would like me to do. Plus she really is hoping that I can make it to 36 weeks which will be next Wednesday. Hence the bed rest. I have officially hit 35 weeks today.
 I'm still feeling a little overwhelmed about last night and our visit to the hospital. Last nights sleep was very restless and I'm pretty sure I was having some slight contractions while in bed. They were nothing like earlier yesterday so I just tried to get some sleep which was way easier said than done. I'm now under Adam law as Adam likes to call it that if I wake up to go pee, wake up and can't sleep or anything like that, I am supposed to wake him up. With last night being so restless I felt like I was constantly waking Adam up. I hope he's not too tired today and I'm very curious to see how long this law lasts. =] 
When we got home last night and ever since I've been home Chevy will NOT leave my side. I think it's really sweet and it's like he's taking care of me. Bring on the many pictures of Chevy by little Bambino. I asked on Facebook for book suggestions because bring on the reading while I'm on bed rest or I may go crazy. Thank you everyone for the suggestions I have a list to go and check out and see if anything sparks my interest. 
As many of you may know and for those of you that don't know I'm working full time at a KinderCare in the area as the lead teacher in the infant room. Well for right now I'm not working until I get word from my doctor. Nothing I can really do when I'm under doctor's orders and it is probably best for baby and I for me to be off for the time being. I really do so much at work that it's really good for me to have some rest. 
Hoping baby stays calm and that no more contractions come any time soon. I'm dying to meet baby, but for one he or she needs to cook longer, I'm still unprepared for their arrival and I would like to be a little more ready. 
Here's to day one of bed rest and to see how this goes.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Week 34 and a Hospital Visit

Baby is the size of a butternut squash.

How far along: 34Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 30 pounds and I don't want to talk about it
Maternity clothes: Tons of mixing going on
Stretch marks: One on my belly and it's a pain in my rear
Sleep: Restless and getting up at least once a night to pee
Best moment of the week: Maternity pictures
Miss anything: Consistent sleep
Movement: Holy acrobat the last couple days
Food cravings: Hashbrowns
Have you started to show: Still measuring 33 cm
Gender prediction:Still feeling like a boy
Labor signs: Had a lovely evening in the hospital due to contractions
Belly button in or out:In and out
Wedding rings on or off: On and off depends on the day
Happy or moody: Happy 
Looking forward to: Talking to my doctor tomorrow

How I really feel about week 34 thanks to today. 
I am still working full time at KinderCare even with being 34 weeks pregnant. Today at work around 3:10 pm I started feeling super intense contractions. Contractions that I knew were more than just Braxton Hicks. I told my boss and immediately started crying about the unknown of what was going on. I called my doctor's office and left a message with the nurse. In the meantime I tried getting a hold of Adam which wasn't working out that great which was making me even more upset. The nurse then called me  back and asked what was going on. I explained to her that I was having inconsistent contractions and they were getting painful. She told me that since I'm before 37 weeks I needed to go into labor and delivery and get monitored. Adam then finally called me back and we picked a place halfway in between our jobs to meet. I told my boss and headed to the hospital. 
Adam and I checked in and I was immediately hooked up to monitors. I was in fact having contractions and they were not happy with me having them while I'm 34 weeks. The nurse came in and told me that I was slightly dehydrated and they were going to run an IV to give me fluids to rule out dehydration, they also gave me a shot of something I can't pronounce nor do I remember the name to hopefully stop the contractions and relax my uterus. I do know that the shot was not magnesium sulfate. The shot of fun as I will call it gave me instant shakes. I was prewarned that this may happen and man did I ever. Got an IV for the first time ever. I was terrified of getting it done and it honestly wasn't that bad. WHEW. My contractions eventually slowed down and then stopped. I finished off my fluids and was given the okay to head home. Adam had been caring for me and waiting on me hand and foot. I'm calling my actual doctor in the morning to see what she would like me to do, whether it be less hours at work, bedrest, or that I'm ok to go. I have tomorrow off and am looking forward to rest. Thank you to everyone who was worried about us. It was great to hear all of your wonderful thoughts and hearing that you all care so much. Keeping baby in the oven as long as I can. Even though I'm dying to meet the little booger I think he or she can afford to stay in a little longer.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Week 33

Baby is the size of a durian.

How far along: 33 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds
Maternity clothes: Still mixing a lot with my clothes
Stretch marks: Still a couple on my sides and possibly one on my belly
Sleep: Sleep has been getting less and less. Thank you big belly
Best moment of the week: Dr. Seuss baby shower on Sunday
Miss anything: Painting my toenails
Movement: Baby is moving less and less due to there being less room, or at least I think
Food cravings: Potato chips, ice cream, and candy corn
Have you started to show: Looking forward to see how much the belly has grown at my two week check up on Thursday
Gender prediction:Really feel like boy
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks every now and then 
Belly button in or out:Very close to pooping out
Wedding rings on or off: On but had a scare the other day
Happy or moody: Happy but more and more emotional lately
Looking forward to: Two week check up on Thursday 

I'm getting to the point where I'm starting to feel more and more uncomfortably pregnant which isn't a bad thing, but I don't want to be uncomfortable all the time. Work lately has been very interesting with my big belly getting in the way of everything or so it seems. Can't wait for my doctor's appointment on Thursday to hear baby and get the official measurements of the belly. The weight gain hasn't been too much of a problem for me seeing the number on the scale has semi-freaked me out, but getting measured and seeing how big the belly actually is has become really fun and exciting. 

Monday, September 17, 2012

Week 32

Baby is the size of a squash. Little Bambino is constantly moving and finding it rather cramped in my belly or so it seems. Getting very excited because this week end is one of my three baby showers. I'm so looking forward to seeing everyone. I'm also really looking forward to making cake pops on Thursday/Friday with Katie.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Being pregnant makes things complicated...

Currently as I write this I'm 32 weeks and sicker than a dog, but let me back track a little.

Baby is the size of a pineapple.

How far along: 31 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 23 pounds
Maternity clothes: Still mixing a lot with my clothes
Stretch marks: Just a couple on my sides
Sleep: Sleep has been awful since I've been sick
Best moment of the week: My two week checkup with the doctor and hearing baby's heartbeat.
Miss anything: My easy going pregnancy. Since getting sick I'm miserable!
Movement: Baby is constantly moving
Food cravings: Chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, and cake
Have you started to show: Since my last doctor appointment my belly grew 5 cm. Holy baby bump
Gender prediction:These days I have no idea
Labor signs: Braxton Hicks every now and then 
Belly button in or out:Very close to pooping out
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Happy other than being extremely sick
Looking forward to: Feeling better

On Wednesday I had my usually two week check up with the doctor. Everything with baby is great. My belly grew 5 cm which is still so shocking to me. I went from 28 cm to 33 cm. I didn't realize I grew that much until I looked back at last weeks picture and this weeks and I really did grow. Doctor is overjoyed with my weight gain and says all baby has to do now is grow. Well I told the doctor that since Monday I haven't been feeling well and I have a cough that I know will eventually turn into bronchitis. Needless to say I know my body and know that it's that time of season for me to get my usual bought of bronchitis. She wanted me to go over to the walk in clinic, but I couldn't because I'm on referral to only see her no one else through Aurora Medical, slightly confusing but it's what I have to do have TriCare as my insurance. So she calls over and asks what they are prescribing for the symptoms that I have. I got prescribed cough medicine with codeine that was supposed to help me sleep. So I was recommended to take the rest of the day off of work and just re-cooperate and rest. I was also told that if I start coughing up anything or my symptoms get worse that I should see my normal doctor to get antibiotics. Well low and behold last night my symptoms got worse and this morning I was coughing up yummy green goodness. Gross I know. Can you tell I'm used to having bronchitis. So I call to make an appointment with my normal doctor and the earliest they can get me in is the 21st, well that's just not going to work and if I leave what I have untreated it will turn into pneumonia and then I would really be in trouble. So the appointment lines best thing they can tell me is that I can go to the hospital/ER. I'm not thrilled by hearing this. Well I head into work, stupid on my part I know, but I feel awful for calling in knowing that work is short-staffed and probably really needs me. So now I'm stuck at work feeling MISERABLE trying to figure out how I can go home early. My boss reworked the schedule and I was able to go home, being told that tomorrow I have to come to work. Not excited that I have to go to work tomorrow with as crummy as I feel right now, but oh well. So I call Adam who had today off from the office and he says that he will meet me at the hospital/ER. I get checked in and since I'm coughing I'm required to wear a mask now I really feel great. I feel like some infected person that they are worried is going to get everyone sick. I finally get to see the doctor and let me tell you was he rude and seemed like I shouldn't even be there. I know I'm pregnant, I know that you can't give me a chest x-ray, I know that there are only a couple of antibiotics that you can give me, but will you write me the prescription so I can start getting better. GEESH. He tells me I have bronchitis and wrote me a prescription for amoxicillin. This whole time I have  felt like the only person that has been listening to me is Adam, he knows my symptoms and knows that it can get worse very very quickly if I'm not treated. So finally after going through this whole mess I have an antibiotic and man do I hope it starts working quickly. I'm coughing like crazy and it's so painful I can't even describe it. Sorry for the medical rambling, but it was super frustrating that since I'm pregnant it seemed like no doctor wanted to touch me. Well how about you listen to me and I can tell you what's going on. Apparently I just need to be a doctor so when my usual bought of bronchitis comes I can write my own prescriptions. 
Through this all my husband has simply been amazing. Making sure I'm taking my medicine, making me drink tea with lots of lemon and honey, cooking me whatever I want comfort food wise and just constantly being there. Today we went to the grocery store and he asked what comfort food would make me feel better. My answer was chicken noodle soup, mashed potatoes, and cake. Random yes I know and semi-difficult since it all has to be GF. Well Adam made homemade GF chicken noodle soup, we bought a box of GF cake mix and while making all of this had mashed potatoes getting ready. Let me tell you yummy and everything hit the spot perfectly. I'm still feeling utterly miserable so I'm off to bed. This weekend I plan on uploading my week 32 picture. I haven't really been in the mood to take a picture to say the least.

Monday, September 3, 2012

E I E I O and 30 Weeks

Baby is the size of a cucumber 

How far along: 30 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 20 pounds
Maternity clothes: Still mixing between my skinny clothes and my bump clothes
Stretch marks: A few on my sides
Sleep: More and more restless but still sleeping pretty good for the most part
Best moment of the week: Getting the amazing mural painted in the nursery
Miss anything: A glass of wine or a cocktail would be great
Movement: ALL THE TIME
Food cravings: Funyuns 
Have you started to show: My Dad told me yesterday I looked like I swallowed a watermelon
Gender prediction:The battle with families still continues of if baby is a he or a she
Labor signs: A few Braxton Hicks but none lately
Belly button in or out:Turkey timer almost ready to pop
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Extremely happy
Looking forward to: The Ob'Seuss'ed baby shower on the 23rd 

On Saturday the nursery in the mural officially got painted. This really made it feel like the arrival of baby is right around the corner. Mom and Dad came over to paint and it became a family thing which was awesome. 

Mom and I cracking up about something before we officially started.

Drawing out what we wanted on the wall.

Finally getting some paint laid down.

Mom and I were left to finish.

Getting closer.


I'm so in love with it and it is everything that I wanted for the nursery. We now have a one of a kind nursery that can never be reproduced. Adam and I love the nursery so much, now all we are missing is baby being here. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds as far as I know. Dr. appointment this Friday let's see if it changes
Maternity clothes: Mix between maternity and pre-maternity
Stretch marks: Still just a couple
Sleep: Restless but still getting good sleep for the most part
Best moment of the week: Feeling different body parts of baby poking through
Miss anything: Getting comfy quickly. Seems more and more these days that it takes forever for me to get comfy no matter what I'm doing
Movement: When does baby not move?
Food cravings: Chocolate
Have you started to show: You tell me
Gender prediction: Adam had a dream it was a girl and I had a dream it was a boy
Labor signs: Some Braxton Hicks contractions
Belly button in or out:Very very close to popping
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Extremely happy
Looking forward to: Dr. appointment on Friday 

Baby is the size of an acorn squash and will not stop poking and prodding me. On Sunday Adam and I found baby's butt sticking out. Last night we found baby's leg. Man was that weird to find. We found something hard and followed it back to baby's body and then realized we were messing with a leg. This morning I found a leg again and have had a leg and foot pushing/protruding out all day! Needless to say it was a little uncomfortable and tried coaxing baby into a new position and he/she was not having it. 
I'm looking forward to my appointment on Friday, it's so crazy to think that I'm now onto bi-weekly appointments. I literally have no idea where time when. This pregnancy has flown by. Also looking forward to Saturday. We are finally getting the mural painted in the nursery. It's going to feel like the nursery is so close to being done once the mural is up. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Week 28

Baby is the size of an eggplant.

Sorry for the dark picture, it was nighttime and I wanted to get my picture in on time before I was 29 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 17 pounds thank you 9 pounds this month! I don't want to talk about it
Maternity clothes: Mix between maternity and pre-maternity
Stretch marks: A couple on my side =\
Sleep: Restless but still getting good sleep for the most part
Best moment of the week: Spending great time with the husband
Miss anything: Seeing my feet without bending over 
Movement: When does baby not move?
Food cravings: Chocolate
Have you started to show: The basketball is full blown
Gender prediction: Still on the fence
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out:Very very close to popping
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Extremely happy
Looking forward to: My life to slow down a little.

Had a doctor's appointment on Friday. Did my glucose test and the drink tasted like a freezy pop that wasn't frozen, the nurse gave it to me cold which is good and it didn't taste bad at all. I was semi freaking about it and really had nothing to worry about. Went and weighed in and that is when I about had a break down. I gained 9 pounds in a month!!! Needless to say I was very upset with myself and all I wanted to do was leave so I could cry. I couldn't do that and had to get through my appointment. My doctor came in with a PA and she was super nice. I got measured at 27 cm and FHR was 145. Baby is officially head down!!! And now I know what part of baby is kicking me in what parts. I every now and then get super bummed about the fast weight gain in a month, but nothing I can do about it now. I'm now on bi-weekly appointments that makes it feel like it's getting super close. I have this feeling like I'm going to feel like I'm living at the doctor. I still can't believe how far along I am and really don't feel big enough to be this far along. Can't wait to see how much bigger I am going to get. Onto week 29. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Week 27

Just the picture for today. This is only a week behind. As I write this post I'm 28 weeks. I seriously need to get back on track and stay motivated. Looking forward to my doctor's appointment tomorrow, not looking forward to the glucose test and the getting on the scale part. I'm worried my doctor isn't going to be happy with my weight gain. I feel like I'm only baby, but I hope she feels the same way...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Weeks 25 & 26...Oops

Baby is the size of a head of cauliflower.

Baby is now the size of a head of lettuce

How far along: 26 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: 8 pounds but probably more since my last appointment since I'm feeling huge
Maternity clothes: Still a mix between maternity and pre-maternity
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Thank goodness for body pillows. I have been full time sleeping with mine.
Best moment of the week: Getting a pedicure yesterday. Man did it feel UH-MAZING
Miss anything: My husband. He's had a crazy schedule 
Movement: Somersaults, kicks, punches you name it baby barely stops moving
Food cravings: Pizza
Have you started to show: I think the picture says it all
Gender prediction: Still on the fence
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: Still getting flatter
Wedding rings on or off: On
Happy or moody: Extremely happy
Looking forward to: A week to go by and it not to feel like a blur.

From last weekend to today I literally have NO idea where the week went. It seriously was a blur. Last weekend in Freeport the whole fam was together and we sat down and planned what seemed to be the next 3 months. Goodbye weekends! I seriously think we have something going on almost every weekend. This shall be very interesting while on the verge of being in my third trimester and being this busy. I think Adam's crazy schedule has made it seem crazy insane too. Mondays, Thursdays and some Saturdays he is in the fire academy...goodbye husband. On top of that  every third day Adam is working a shift at the fire department. Ya I have been seeing a lot of the house at night by myself. I thought that once I was officially an alumni of college things in my life my slow down a little? Cyeah right! I feel like I need a week off with my husband where we don't do anything. Oh ya that's right my husband gets stir crazy and can't not do anything. He can be such a weirdo sometimes. 
Well in the midst of all this crazy business I'm starting to feel HUGE and if I stand a certain way it's goodbye legs/feet. Ya that's an interesting feeling. At 25 weeks my uterus was the size of a soccer ball and now at 26 it's the size of a basketball. During the second half of my pregnancy I will start growing a 1/2 inch a week. Oh geesh bring on the big bump as if it's not big enough already! This amazes me that I still have so much more to grow when I already feel so big. And yet people tell me I'm so little for being six months pregnant. hmmmm 
Another life update I recently got an iPhone and am completely loving the decision I made to get it. I now have all the GF apps that I want/need. Have games that I can play with friends and family. And am completely obsessed with Instagram. I recently found a photo a day for August and I love finding a reason to take pictures on my phone. Sorry if I'm filling up anyone's feed with an overwhelming amount of pictures. I just can't help it.
Hopefully this upcoming week will be a little less busy and not so much a blur.