Friday, March 30, 2012

Blah blah blah

Well I had my first OB appt and it was disappointing to say the least. It was basically exactly the same as my meeting with the Women's Health nurse. I didn't even really have a chance to sit down and I was peeing in a cup, oh the lovely side of being pregnant. I better get used to that because from the sounds of it every single appointment that I have I will be doing this. I then weighed in and believe it or not I lost 2.5 pounds. I've been feeling big as opposed to pregnant so the weight loss was kind of a shocker. Did a family history for Adam and I which seemed to take forever. Got some blood work done and made my next appointment. April 26th cannot come fast enough. I will get to finally finally finally see baby, which is what I have been waiting for just to know that something is in there. 
My diet oh my diet, still weird as usual and no appetite. Trying to figure out some kind of schedule to eat on and make sure that I'm sharing meals with Adam. I know he hates eating alone and I don't want to make him eat alone just because I'm not hungry. I haven't had any cravings, still not liking the sound of eating any meat. Still no morning sickness which has been such a blessing. I'm almost out of the clear my nurse said with getting it. I'm thinking one of two things, I will not have morning sickness or I will get it in my third trimester. Time will only tell. Hoping that my appetite will pick up that would be great.
Had two breakdowns this week and I don't know if it was a combo or hormones and frustration or just one or the other. I'm slightly on the crabby side when it comes to my Celiac. It's putter a damper on things that I want to eat and I feel like the only thing I can do is cry. I know I should be grateful that I figured out what was wrong with my body and all I had to do was change my diet, but eating the same way for 22 years and then all of the sudden I have to change it is HUGE!!!! Some days I'm ok with it and then other days I see Adam eat a normal grilled cheese sandwich and I'm so jealous. This is a huge combo to take on a completely new diet and being pregnant, and some days it is much harder than others. I just want to be more okay with it and this week has been very hard. Just pray for me that things will get easier with every day.
Probably taking my 8 week picture today. Adam keeps telling me that I'm showing more and more, and yesterday I felt pregnant and then other days I just feel like my tummy fat is showing rather than a belly bump. I am most definitely ready to start showing that is one thing that I want to happen.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

7 Weeks

Well hello week 7. Baby is the size of a blueberry and the crazy fact is that baby is 10,000 times bigger now than at conception. So amazing!!! Baby's mouth and tongue are forming, so are the arm and leg buds. Baby's kidneys are in place and are almost ready to start fully functioning. 
Every week when I read the development it just fathoms me. The amazing work going on in my body on such a little thing right now cannot be put into words.
Still eating a super weird diet or so it seems. Napping constantly...I don't think I could get enough sleep in one day. Feeling awesome and loving every minute of it!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Odd Food Combos

Lately, the thought of any type of meat for a meal has made me gag. Adam and I recently made grilled bbq chicken and mashed potatoes and I had like two bites of the chicken. I have never been a picky eater. Well hello pregnancy and hello new almost vegetarian diet or so it seems. So I practically feel like I'm living on starch which I know cannot be good. Ever since we went to Freeport last weekend I have been wanting to make creampuff dessert, so I made it last night and that was basically my lunch today along with some other random food. I'm seriously wanting a cold-cut sandwich on squishy yummy bread and thanks to Celiac that is NOT about to happen. The craving can stay because the pain is not worth it. So for the last week and a half I have had some very weird food combos for lunch since a sandwich doesn't spark my fancy, meat makes me gag, and a salad just sounds gross right now. Wow some of the things I used to love the most are basically out of my diet for the time being. Never saw this one coming. Oh I completely forgot to mention that the only type of meat that sounds anywhere appetizing to me is turkey hotdogs. Now don't worry they are the ones on the list of things that I can have. They have no msg and are all natural. So last night for dinner was a hot dog and a baked potato. Man do I sound like a weirdo with these random food combos, oh well. I'm completely ok with it because I have had NO morning sickness, yep that's right. I will take the new found diet if that's what I should call it over feeling like crap. Just rolled over into week 7 today. Looking forward to taking the weekly picture and seeing if any other food combos or cravings come up. Still waiting for the 27th to get here!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Week 6

Week 6
Baby is no bigger than a nail head. This week is the beginning of development of the jaws, cheeks, and chin. Also developing this week is the kidneys, liver, and lungs. Baby's heart beat is beating 80/minute. 
Looking forward to showing, Adam says I already am and I don't really believe him. Also still holding out for my first OB appointment, even though I have got warning that the first appointment will take over an hour. I'm just dying to hear baby's heartbeat and possibly get a first ultrasound. The 27th can't come fast enough.
From the last post it is true that I have had my first preggo craving and man was that crazy.  Taking a small break from my prenatals because they are not treating my body very well. Maybe when I have my first visit I can get some different prenatals that will treat me better. Still no morning sickness...whew! I know that when I have an empty stomach it hurts, but that is all I really have right now. Also still really don't have an appetite, looking forward to getting that back.
Feeling pretty good and headed onto week 7 very soon.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yep it's official

Well I have officially had my first real preggers food craving. I was really hoping that I would not have cravings, but man was I wrong. This craving hit me and my body would not let me live until I quenched the craving. So you're probably asking yourself what was the craving. Well it was french fries and sour patch kids...not eating them together I was just craving both. Well let me tell you I practically inhaled the french fries, or that is what it felt like as I ate them so quickly. I also practically ate all of sour patch kids. I will most definitely need to walk off tomorrow what I just seemed to inhale. Oh well my craving is gone and I'm completely okay with that.

Looking forward to taking my 6 week picture and finding out more information about growing baby Jamerson. Also looking forward to my first OB appointment coming up quickly.

Friday, March 9, 2012

From hungry all the time, to no longer having an appetite

This is the end of week 5 and previously I have been extremely hungry and have been really having to watch and make sure that I'm constantly eating and this week I have not really had an appetite. Wow how things change. Adam is always asking what I'm hungry for and I don't have cravings and am usually not hungry most of the time.  I a lot of the time have to wait until I really feel hungry to eat. I have yet to have morning sickness which I'm ecstatic about. Hoping that I get none. My Mom didn't have any so I'm hoping I follow suit, that would be great. I'm still exhausted and feel like I'm constantly sleeping. Hoping this passes soon, if it doesn't I am quickly becoming the queen of naps. I also have been sleeping with 4 yes 4 blankets and completely content. Ever since finding out that I'm expecting I have been constantly cold, so I'm the nap and blanket queen; that seems what I can always be found doing. Officially got my referral and made my first appointment today. My appointment is the 27th with Dr. Brockman in Kenosha and Aurora Medical Center. So excited and the 27th can't come soon enough!!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Week 4 and 5 Picture

Week 4 
The day we found out we were expecting

Week 5
The newly created sign, all Adam's idea I just used my Cricut to execute his idea. 
I told him that he's a genius and he said that is why he gets paid the big bucks. Oh the saying my hubby says. That's why I love him.

Still waiting on my referral, I'm dying to make my first OB appointment. Still feeling amazing while pregnant. I'm now drinking a gallon plus of water and I feel like I'm constantly peeing. I have had a few cases of preggo brain, but I will take it cause I'm sure it will only get worse.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 4 down and onto Week 5

Week 4 has officially come and gone and that seems so weird to say. Last week peanut (baby Jamerson) was the size of a poppyseed. I felt great and had my first meeting with Women's Health. I spent about an hour talking with Nurse Decker who is may I say amazing. She told me the ins and outs of what to expect. One of my favorite things that I took from meeting with her is she told me that my normal body and everything that it looks like now will go up, down, in or out. That is something very interesting to think about. No baby bump yet, and I can't wait to start showing! No morning sickness which is great. Still extremely tired. No food cravings.

Week 5 has been great. Peanut is now the size of an orange seed and its heart is the size of a poppyseed. The heart is beating and will show up on early ultrasounds. Pretty freaking amazing!!!! I can't believe that this little little person is inside of me and growing. It is so surreal and so hard to process. Every now and then I will look at Adam and just say to him "We're going to have a baby!!!" I'm hoping by the end of the week that my referral comes in so I can get my first OBGYN doctor appointment made.
Adam and I are having fun gradually buying baby items. We have a long ways to go, but with every purchase we are getting closer to having everything that we need for baby. I'm looking forward to take a 5 week picture this week.