Well I had my first OB appt and it was disappointing to say the least. It was basically exactly the same as my meeting with the Women's Health nurse. I didn't even really have a chance to sit down and I was peeing in a cup, oh the lovely side of being pregnant. I better get used to that because from the sounds of it every single appointment that I have I will be doing this. I then weighed in and believe it or not I lost 2.5 pounds. I've been feeling big as opposed to pregnant so the weight loss was kind of a shocker. Did a family history for Adam and I which seemed to take forever. Got some blood work done and made my next appointment. April 26th cannot come fast enough. I will get to finally finally finally see baby, which is what I have been waiting for just to know that something is in there.
My diet oh my diet, still weird as usual and no appetite. Trying to figure out some kind of schedule to eat on and make sure that I'm sharing meals with Adam. I know he hates eating alone and I don't want to make him eat alone just because I'm not hungry. I haven't had any cravings, still not liking the sound of eating any meat. Still no morning sickness which has been such a blessing. I'm almost out of the clear my nurse said with getting it. I'm thinking one of two things, I will not have morning sickness or I will get it in my third trimester. Time will only tell. Hoping that my appetite will pick up that would be great.
Had two breakdowns this week and I don't know if it was a combo or hormones and frustration or just one or the other. I'm slightly on the crabby side when it comes to my Celiac. It's putter a damper on things that I want to eat and I feel like the only thing I can do is cry. I know I should be grateful that I figured out what was wrong with my body and all I had to do was change my diet, but eating the same way for 22 years and then all of the sudden I have to change it is HUGE!!!! Some days I'm ok with it and then other days I see Adam eat a normal grilled cheese sandwich and I'm so jealous. This is a huge combo to take on a completely new diet and being pregnant, and some days it is much harder than others. I just want to be more okay with it and this week has been very hard. Just pray for me that things will get easier with every day.
Probably taking my 8 week picture today. Adam keeps telling me that I'm showing more and more, and yesterday I felt pregnant and then other days I just feel like my tummy fat is showing rather than a belly bump. I am most definitely ready to start showing that is one thing that I want to happen.