Thursday, April 26, 2012

Oh baby baby

So I would be thrilled to add a picture of baby...but we didn't get a printout of the quick ultrasound that I had. Today Adam and I finally met our OB doctor and we absolutely love her!!! I'm so glad with my pick. Today we were told that I have a very healthy pregnancy and I have no risk factors for the growing baby. She was going to possibly look for the heartbeat and I told her that all I want to do today is just see baby so she said she would see what she could do. Within minutes my nurse was carting in the ultrasound machine. Baby was moving and punching around like crazy. We saw the heartbeat and she said baby looked great. Our due date is  November 7th and is official. Now when baby decides to come only time will tell. I have a list of questions that I will start answering weekly, hopefully when I put up weekly pictures. I will answer them today since I haven't taken my weekly picture yet.
How far along: 12 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Back to my normal weight before my weight gain with Celiac
Maternity clothes: I bought a belly band a couple weeks ago, but haven't had to use it.
Stretch marks: None
Sleep: Sleeping great, but still completely exhausted ALL the time
Best moment of the week: Getting to see baby, words CAN't describe the emotions I felt when I saw our little blessing in the screen.
Miss anything: Recently have been wanting a mixed drink or a glass of wine, none of that business for me though.
Movement: From the ultrasound moving like crazy, but haven't felt anything yet.
Food cravings: Fruit and salty potato chips. Not eating them together or anything crazy like that.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, zero morning sickness
Have you started to show: Yes there is a bump!
Gender prediction: I think boy
Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out: In
Wedding rings on or off: ON
Happy or moody: Happy all the time, pregnancy is GREAT
Weekly Wisdom: Whenever you get the chance walk. I have concluded that working with my third graders has been excellent exercise.
Looking forward to: My next doctors appointment to get a full ultrasound to see more of baby. Also to say goodbye to my first trimester so hopefully some of this exhaustion goes away.

Some chocolate sounds great and I'm thinking of making some brownies GF of course. Since my last baking frustration a preboxed brownie mix might be best at least for tonight. I plan on posting pictures of how they turn out.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Week 11

Baby is just over 2 inches long and the size of a fig. Baby has distinct human characteristics by now with hand and feet in the front of its body, ears in the almost final destination and almost fully formed, open nasal passages on the tip on the nose, and a tongue and palate in the mouth. 
Getting more and more excited about this week because on Thursday we have a doctors appointment and we will be getting out first ultrasound. I'm beyond excited and cannot wait. Also got new information about the jobs that I applied for, right now it looks like I'm juggling between the both and get to decide which one I ideally want to work at. I have never never never had this happen and it's super nice to be wanted in two separate teaching positions!!!
Don't think morning sickness is going to happen. Still completely exhausted ALL the time. Also now when I get home I'm starving, but I'm still being smart about how I'm eating and making sure that I'm not overeating. Great news just keeps coming my way and I just have to thank God for all he has given me.
Here's this weeks out take. I was done with Adam being my photographer and this is me saying no more pictures, I hid behind my sign. I thought the picture was quite funny and had to share.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

So disconnected and rambling

I feel so disconnected from my blog lately. I haven't had any posts lately about being GF and I still have yet to take my week 11 picture. I feel like this post is going to be my rambling about what has been going on lately. My life has been completely consumed with teaching. I'm not complaining because I'm getting a good experience I just feel so self-consumed in it that I feel like everything else is falling at the wayside. Which is kind of a bummer to me. Adam's schedule has been completely crazy as well. On top of it all being pregnant is making me completely exhausted ALL the time. Today I was supposed to be going to a church event that I signed up for and I'm so stressed and have so much work to do for next week that I had to miss it. I'm trying to stay completely motivated and get as much work and planning done. I need today to be productive. To say the least I'm quite ready to be a little less busy and be able for things to slow down a bit. I did some fun things yesterday in my classroom and I didn't take pictures of them so I could share what I did...bummer. Also being GF has been getting easier and easier. Last night Adam and I had breakfast for dinner and it was delicious!!! Eggs, toast, hasbrowns, and bacon yumm-o! We've finally found a GF bread that as normal as it can get. Still not really wanting to eat sandwiches which is fine the assortment of items that I bring to lunch has been interesting. 
Currently I have a snuggle buddy (Dexter) who is helping me research fun ways to review what multiplication facts we've been working on. I'm also trying to find fun information/ideas of what and how I want to teach more about compound words. Oh I'm semi-overwhelmed!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Finally in the double digits...Week10

Baby is the size of a prune. 1 1/2 inches long baby is developing and growing by leaps and bounds. Bones and cartilage are forming. Even though baby is the size of the prune, the elbows on baby's arm are already working. Baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine. If baby is a boy the testes are producing testosterone. Still very crazy how little baby is and all that is already developing. I'm loving that there is a baby bump and with every week it shows more and more. I'm looking forward to the 26th being right around the corner. That is when we will finally get to see baby! I have been feeling amazing and if this is what pregnancy is going to be like I'm overjoyed! No new cravings just hungry all the time, so I'm making sure that I'm making healthy choices so that I'm not gaining tons of weight. Pants are feeling tighter which I'm ok with because that means my bump is getting bigger. I officially bought a belly band to wear with some of my dress pants that have been uncomfortable while I'm in school. And yes I'm am being the stubborn pregnant lady that refuses to buy new dress clothes. I have less than a month left of student teaching and don't find it necessary to go buy a new set of dress clothes. When I get bigger I plan on buying clothes that will fit more comfortably, but right now it's not happening. I'm so close to being out of my first trimester and I can't believe how fast it has gone. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nursery Ideas

I know I am probably really jumping the gun with ideas for the nursery, but I'm so excited and just can't help but look up different possibilities that I would like to have. Adam and I are country at heart even though we don't have a farm and all that. Our dream house is something with land and a place where we can have have lots of animals. With both of us being country at heart we decided that a farm theme for the nursery would be perfect. It's neutral for one thing and it is a little bit of both of us together. 
I never thought that looking for and finding farm animal themed items would be hard....well it has become a little tough. Everything in the stores that is neutral is mostly safari which don't get me wrong I like, but that's not what Adam and I want, so my online search begins. Thank you Google, you have been so nice to me. 
I am almost 100% sure that the bedding set on the left is what we will be getting. The other four pictures are possible ideas of what might look good on the walls. I'm still trying to decide what would look best in the room that we have for the nursery. Another possibly idea that I found was this website that has stencils that can be used on the walls. My stepmom will be helping with the painting of whatever we do decide to put on the walls and I know she won't need a stencil, but it has cute ideas to brainstorm from.
I can't wait until we finally start to decorate more and more. One item that we already have for the nursery and that is put together is this. 
It is a changing station and dresser, perfect for the room that we have because if we would've gotten the items separately I think that room would've been cramped. Oh and don't mind Ace being in the picture, he helped Adam put together our first piece of baby furniture so it was only fitting that he was in the finished product photo as well.
With all the nursery items that I have found I'm hoping that this will be items that we stick with and don't change. I know we want to do farm theme it's just the deciding part after that. I know we will get there I just like to have stuff planned. 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Week 9

I realized that in my last post I completely forgot to add in the names that Adam and I have picked out. My parents call us the A-team so Adam and I decided to stick with A names. The two names that we have picked out are
Allen Lloyd 
Addison Renee
Baby Jamerson has officially now become a fetus!!! Approximately 1 inch is size, baby is the size of a grape. Muscles are starting to form and baby can now move arms and legs, even though I won't feel the movements yet. Also I may be able to starting to hear baby's heart beat, can't wait for that. 
Baby bump is officially starting to show, pretty darn excited that it's there. I am most definitely thinking that it's a bump and no longer my tummy fat. Still craving sweets which is making Celiac harder and harder with every craving. Granny Smith apples with peanut butter have become my new favorite! I will be posting soon about some of the new GF dishes that I have recently made.
Lastly, sorry for how crappy I look I have been sick this week. Thank you to my third graders for giving me strep throat and I in turn gave it to Adam. Got a penicillin shot in the butt. That was an experience in it self. My butt still hurts. I'm finally starting to feel better which is the plus side, butt hurting not so much. Popsicles are still a go to for me even though my throat isn't hurting. Still very happy that I was able to get into the Dr. and get treated asap.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 8

Baby is the size of a large raspberry. My sweet little raspberry is looking more and more human-like every day. The lips, nose, eyelids, legs and back are continuing to take shape. Something new for the week is baby is making spontaneous movements, too tiny for me to feel just yet. I am officially starting to feel more and more pregnant and with this weeks picture I am thinking that a bump is starting to show more and more. I can't wait! My appetite is slowly coming back more and more.
Finally, I found a gluten-free bread that is squishy, and tastes great. Bring on the sandwiches!!!! The first day I bought the bread I ate two grilled-cheese sandwiches....yummy! 
Week 9 is right around the corner and I can't wait to learn about baby's development, with each coming week  finding out what baby is doing it just plain amazing.
On the other side of my life I put in applications to two different centers in the area and got a callback already from one of them. Waiting to hear back from the assistant director from the one location. Praising God for the wonderful opportunity that may be coming my way. The job that is possibly to come will be perfect for me and everything that I have been looking for. Waiting for more good news to come my way...