I got 6 wonderful months of breastfeeding with Allen. Due to working full time and an inconsistent schedule allowed to breastfeed him my supply ran dry. He was on formula for 6 months and turned out just fine. This time around I am a stay at home mommy and started thinking about what would be different this time around. I would like to accomplish my goal and breastfeed for a full year. Things thus far look like this could happen, but could things change I'm sure they might. I guess I thought that the second time around in my breastfeeding journey that things would go super smooth. I've done this once, things should be fine. Ha when they say that every pregnancy is different, they mean it and every baby is different too.
With Allen I had to use a shield, and before you put your judgement in I had to use one due to having somewhat flat nipples. This helped with his latch greatly and he self weaned himself from the shield within a couple months. Was the shield a pain in the butt, you better believe it. I feel like there are a lot of people out there that are anti-shield and I can't really understand why. What's the negative to using one?? Well I found some negatives when using one with Abram.
Again when we were in the hospital I really struggled getting Abram to latch. I was the first one to jump at having a lactation consultant come and help. Of course the second she walked in he would latch and she would say we were doing great. Thanks Abram. I did go on to tell her that I was having problems with him latching. She suggested that I could borrow a hand pump to help pull the nipple out for him to get a better latch, or she said that since I had used a shield before that I could get one to see if it might help. That night after Abram had really worked himself up I requested a shield and he latched.
Now what negatives did I find? Well I didn't find them until we went home and within a few days of being home it seemed as if Abram would choke every time he would nurse. That will put a mommy on high alert when the best thing for your child is to nurse and now all of the sudden he's choking and in my gut I feel like things are going well. The next day I wrote off the shield. I had figured in out that the excess breastmilk was sitting in the shield and when Abram wasn't sucking the milk was still running down his throat causing him to choke. Since about day 2 or 3 we haven't used the shield and it takes a bit for him to latch, but we get a good solid latch and away he goes.
I got a little confirmation that breastfeeding is going well at Abram's 2 week checkup where he weighed in at 7 lbs 7oz. The doctor was impressed. He has surprassed his birthweight and I was told to keep up the good work.
Abram is a different eater than Allen and that took me for a loop. I'm pretty good about catching onto his hunger signs way before he's waking himself up, but once I get him in a good position to nurse he gets overexcited searching for the breast that I have to slow him down. He also seems like the baby that wants to do it on his own, which seems insane since yes he is only 12 days old. When I'm trying to calm him down he sometimes stiffens and restrains his neck and makes it difficult for me to help him. Lastly, he's a lazy eater. When he gets a somewhat full belly the boy is knocked out! And when I mean knocked out I mean it. The only thing that Adam and I have found that works to wake this boy up is cold. So we have on mulitple occassions put him down on our cold bedsheets as a method to wake him up so he can get a full feed in so he can get some good sleep. He's an awesome sleeper which I'm not complaining about one bit. Which means I have been pumping as well and that is going way better than what I thought it would. My turnout from pumping has been way more than what I thought I would get and slowly but surely I will have a full freezer and Daddy will be able to help feed.
Adam has been the greatest support system along with the mama's that I have been questioning constantly. I couldn't ask for better friends and a better husband to help me along this journey because it definitely isn't easy, but it's something I want to do for Abram. A really good friend of mine suggested the book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding which is a book I had never heard of. It is by the La Leche League which I have heard some things about them. I will be looking more into this. They also have a facebook page which could be very helpful. I'm going to be looking more into this and see if I can grab any helpful tips from it. I'm sure things are going to come up that I haven't experienced and things will get easier. I have had frustration, crying moments, and fed through exhaustion, but in the end I'm still breastfeeding and I'm happy that I'm continuing.
Friday, February 28, 2014
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
We made it through Day 1 and 2
Yep, you read that right. The boys are still breathing and I'm not in the corner sucking my thumb. And by I mean we made it, I mean day 1 and 2 of stay-at-home-mommy by myself with a newborn and a toddler and a zoo and everything went swimmingly!
Abram is trying to still get on a consistent schedule and I need to keep reminding myself that he isn't even 10 days old. I think since I'm feeling so great I tend to forget the little things and I know that giving him some time to get into a groove is all it's going to take. A breastfeeding post is going to be soon to follow. To all my friends that I have been prying your brain apart with all my questions, I apologize, and thank you so much for being supportive and responding. All you ladies know who you are.
Today I was able to get all of our laundry done. I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment because it just reminds me that yes, things have drastically changed, but I am able to still maintain somewhat of a normal schedule like before.
Again, Allen is falling into the big brother role so well. He is such a helper, and has turned into a snuggler again which mommy is not complaining about one bit.
On a complete side note I am not one to complain about the cold, but geesh I have a toddler tornado who is going stir crazy thanks to being stuck inside. The highlight of some of his days is getting out of the house to run a quick errand with me. The super cold weather that came in this week has kept up most definitely stuck inside until Adam comes home. I figure with mommy and daddy we can get the babies in and out more quickly than if it were just me by myself. So basically come on spring! I can't wait to see how the rest of the week plays out, but thus far it has been great.
Abram is trying to still get on a consistent schedule and I need to keep reminding myself that he isn't even 10 days old. I think since I'm feeling so great I tend to forget the little things and I know that giving him some time to get into a groove is all it's going to take. A breastfeeding post is going to be soon to follow. To all my friends that I have been prying your brain apart with all my questions, I apologize, and thank you so much for being supportive and responding. All you ladies know who you are.
Today I was able to get all of our laundry done. I'm pretty proud of this accomplishment because it just reminds me that yes, things have drastically changed, but I am able to still maintain somewhat of a normal schedule like before.
Again, Allen is falling into the big brother role so well. He is such a helper, and has turned into a snuggler again which mommy is not complaining about one bit.
On a complete side note I am not one to complain about the cold, but geesh I have a toddler tornado who is going stir crazy thanks to being stuck inside. The highlight of some of his days is getting out of the house to run a quick errand with me. The super cold weather that came in this week has kept up most definitely stuck inside until Adam comes home. I figure with mommy and daddy we can get the babies in and out more quickly than if it were just me by myself. So basically come on spring! I can't wait to see how the rest of the week plays out, but thus far it has been great.
Friday, February 21, 2014
It's a BOY...Abram's Birth Story
I have to start with a picture of Mr. Handsome. He looks just like his brother.
I know my last post was my 36 week update so I will do a little back tracking up to Abram's birth.
Shortly after we found out we were pregnant and found out the estimated due date I had a gut feeling that I was pregnant with a girl and I had a feeling that I would have a Valentine's Day baby. So as my pregnancy progressed and things went further along, and my OB put me into the waiting game my thoughts of having a Valentine's Day baby were getting closer to happening. I had a doctor's appointment on the 13th and I was 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and my water could break at any moment were my doctor's words. Now I'm getting excited maybe my feeling was right.
Valentine's Day was NOT a good day for me. I woke up very excited hoping this was going to be the day. When no constant contractions happened and I didn't feel a sudden gush (as in my water breaking) I took things into my own hands. I decided to walk up and down the set of stairs in our house as much as I could. I can tell you after this experience that there are 12 stairs. I also deicded that when Allen went down for a nap that I was getting on the treadmill and going to walk until I could walk no more! I did jumping jacks, I pumped (very weird), I jumped up and down, and then I had a dance party in the living room with Allen bouncing on my belly. He absolutely loved this. Still no contractions, still no gush! I went to bed that night rather disappointed.
Side note I had been asking friends and family to pray for us and to pray specifically for me with patience. I was being tested in my patience that is for sure.
I went to bed and the last thing I remember thinking is I should go upstairs and eat a bowl of cereal. This had become my nightly routine because in the middle of the night I would wake up with terrible headaches because I was hungry.
I woke up at 12:50 with a contraction, I laid in bed until I had another one and realized that they were pretty close together. I went on to track my contractions and they were 5 minutes apart. I woke Adam up and told him what was going on. He was very sleepy and asked what time it was and when I told him it was a little after one, his response was "in the afternoon" I told him "no in the morning, now get your butt out of bed." We woke Nana up and let her know what was going on, grabbed our stuff and out the door we went. We tracked my contractions on the way to the hospital and they were at a constant 4-5 minutes apart. Walked into the ER let them know what was going on and was wheeled up to L & D shortly after. I was taken to a room by my soon to be nurse and went through the initial check in. My contractions spaced out and Michelle (the nurse) was trying to talk to convince me that more than likely these weren't consistent contractions and my adrenaline was playing a factor. She reassured me that she would vaginally check me just to double check before I was sent home. I was checked and was a loose 4 almost 5 cm and 80% effaced and my water was bulging. I was told I wasn't going anywhere and I was going to have a baby sometime today.
I was excited about the news that we were staying!
This is when the busy bee effect went into play. I had a tech setting up all the materials for baby, I had a nurse on my arm setting up my IV, I had Michelle (the other nurse) finishing up my admittance. A little bit of chaos ensued due to the team finding out how quickly my first labor went. My first question after everything was when can I start to walk. Shortly after I was given the go to walk. And so walk we did. I made 3 laps up and down the L & D wing and wanted to go back to my room. I swayed through a contraction in the middle of my room and then felt a drip down my leg. I instantly looked at Adam, told him what I felt and went on to say "no I did NOT just pee myself..I think my water just broke." I continued to have my normal sense of humor throughout this process because I felt that in the midst of what was going on it was a time to be happy and cheerful. I was hooked back up to the monitors checked again and my water did in fact break. My mother-in-love (it's in-love not in-law that's what we call it anyways) aka Mom showed up shortly after this and we filled her in on everything that was going on. My contractions were getting stronger and more intense and laying in bed was not helping. I wanted to stand, but wanted something to lean on at the same time. The bed was too low, and too squishy. I felt a little like Goldilocks (too squishy, too hard, just right) you get my drift. As soon as the bed was raised I tried leaning on it and it was still to squishy. Where my IV was in my wrist/lower arm when I leaned it was bending my IV line and it hurt. I turned around and looked at the sink counter and walked right over to it. This is where I went through most of my strong contractions. A little glimpse into my room I had Michelle at my side, Adam on my other side, the tech in the back, the baby nurse was paged, my doctor was hanging out by the bed because no other women were in active labor, and my Mom on the other side of the bed. There were a lot of people. Michelle must have had a gut instinct to ask me what I was feeling in the middle of a strong contraction because my reply was "I feel..." basically no response at all. She then told me that I needed to get back into bed and I told her I don't want to. At this point Michelle grabbed one arm and Adam grabbed the other and I was gently pushed backwards into bed. I sat on the edge of the bed finished my contraction and was instantly checked and told I needed to push. The tech and nurse were frantically breaking my bed apart and I was told to push on my next contraction. Two pushes in and baby was crowning. At this point the doctor told me if I tell you to stop, I need you to stop. I nodded in approval. By my third push the head was out and the doctor was doing what she had just pre-warned me about and told me to stop. I was somewhat loudly telling her I can't. My Mom was in my ear at this point telling me to breathe, you don't want to tear, you can stop, just breathe. So, I somewhat stopped and in my last push made it past baby's shoulders. Baby came out with its legs crossed so I'm in hopes and hanging on every word as to what the sex is. The doctor finally got the legs open and I was able to see it was a boy!!! Abram was instantly put onto my chest and the baby nurse was right there. I had instant tears and so did Adam. I couldn't believe we had another boy!
Abram Thomas Jamerson was born at 6:42 AM weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces, measuring 20 inches long, after just shy of 6 hours of labor and only pushing for 13 minutes!!! No drugs and no epidural. My L & D couldn't not have gone smoother!
Man was my gut wrong. Boy and a day after Valentine's. Michelle had joked with me shortly after I was admitted that I should have this baby before the shift change because she wanted to know what I was having. Well she got her wish.
Within the hour I was up and getting cleaned and changed and moving rooms. I was moved down to the Mommy and Baby rooms. Shortly after getting settled I recieved this picture.
Allen is happy to be a big brother.
We were discharged from the hospital the next day and by mid afternoon we were getting adjusted to being a family of four.
Allen is becoming a great big brother. He is so helpful and so sweet. He's very curious as to what Abram is eating when he's nursing. It's cute to see Allen try and figure it out.
This picture was taken yesterday, day 5 and I think it shows how well we all are getting adjusted. I love being a mommy and things couldn't be going any smoother
I know my last post was my 36 week update so I will do a little back tracking up to Abram's birth.
Shortly after we found out we were pregnant and found out the estimated due date I had a gut feeling that I was pregnant with a girl and I had a feeling that I would have a Valentine's Day baby. So as my pregnancy progressed and things went further along, and my OB put me into the waiting game my thoughts of having a Valentine's Day baby were getting closer to happening. I had a doctor's appointment on the 13th and I was 3 cm dilated, 50% effaced and my water could break at any moment were my doctor's words. Now I'm getting excited maybe my feeling was right.
Valentine's Day was NOT a good day for me. I woke up very excited hoping this was going to be the day. When no constant contractions happened and I didn't feel a sudden gush (as in my water breaking) I took things into my own hands. I decided to walk up and down the set of stairs in our house as much as I could. I can tell you after this experience that there are 12 stairs. I also deicded that when Allen went down for a nap that I was getting on the treadmill and going to walk until I could walk no more! I did jumping jacks, I pumped (very weird), I jumped up and down, and then I had a dance party in the living room with Allen bouncing on my belly. He absolutely loved this. Still no contractions, still no gush! I went to bed that night rather disappointed.
Side note I had been asking friends and family to pray for us and to pray specifically for me with patience. I was being tested in my patience that is for sure.
I went to bed and the last thing I remember thinking is I should go upstairs and eat a bowl of cereal. This had become my nightly routine because in the middle of the night I would wake up with terrible headaches because I was hungry.
I woke up at 12:50 with a contraction, I laid in bed until I had another one and realized that they were pretty close together. I went on to track my contractions and they were 5 minutes apart. I woke Adam up and told him what was going on. He was very sleepy and asked what time it was and when I told him it was a little after one, his response was "in the afternoon" I told him "no in the morning, now get your butt out of bed." We woke Nana up and let her know what was going on, grabbed our stuff and out the door we went. We tracked my contractions on the way to the hospital and they were at a constant 4-5 minutes apart. Walked into the ER let them know what was going on and was wheeled up to L & D shortly after. I was taken to a room by my soon to be nurse and went through the initial check in. My contractions spaced out and Michelle (the nurse) was trying to talk to convince me that more than likely these weren't consistent contractions and my adrenaline was playing a factor. She reassured me that she would vaginally check me just to double check before I was sent home. I was checked and was a loose 4 almost 5 cm and 80% effaced and my water was bulging. I was told I wasn't going anywhere and I was going to have a baby sometime today.
I was excited about the news that we were staying!
This is when the busy bee effect went into play. I had a tech setting up all the materials for baby, I had a nurse on my arm setting up my IV, I had Michelle (the other nurse) finishing up my admittance. A little bit of chaos ensued due to the team finding out how quickly my first labor went. My first question after everything was when can I start to walk. Shortly after I was given the go to walk. And so walk we did. I made 3 laps up and down the L & D wing and wanted to go back to my room. I swayed through a contraction in the middle of my room and then felt a drip down my leg. I instantly looked at Adam, told him what I felt and went on to say "no I did NOT just pee myself..I think my water just broke." I continued to have my normal sense of humor throughout this process because I felt that in the midst of what was going on it was a time to be happy and cheerful. I was hooked back up to the monitors checked again and my water did in fact break. My mother-in-love (it's in-love not in-law that's what we call it anyways) aka Mom showed up shortly after this and we filled her in on everything that was going on. My contractions were getting stronger and more intense and laying in bed was not helping. I wanted to stand, but wanted something to lean on at the same time. The bed was too low, and too squishy. I felt a little like Goldilocks (too squishy, too hard, just right) you get my drift. As soon as the bed was raised I tried leaning on it and it was still to squishy. Where my IV was in my wrist/lower arm when I leaned it was bending my IV line and it hurt. I turned around and looked at the sink counter and walked right over to it. This is where I went through most of my strong contractions. A little glimpse into my room I had Michelle at my side, Adam on my other side, the tech in the back, the baby nurse was paged, my doctor was hanging out by the bed because no other women were in active labor, and my Mom on the other side of the bed. There were a lot of people. Michelle must have had a gut instinct to ask me what I was feeling in the middle of a strong contraction because my reply was "I feel..." basically no response at all. She then told me that I needed to get back into bed and I told her I don't want to. At this point Michelle grabbed one arm and Adam grabbed the other and I was gently pushed backwards into bed. I sat on the edge of the bed finished my contraction and was instantly checked and told I needed to push. The tech and nurse were frantically breaking my bed apart and I was told to push on my next contraction. Two pushes in and baby was crowning. At this point the doctor told me if I tell you to stop, I need you to stop. I nodded in approval. By my third push the head was out and the doctor was doing what she had just pre-warned me about and told me to stop. I was somewhat loudly telling her I can't. My Mom was in my ear at this point telling me to breathe, you don't want to tear, you can stop, just breathe. So, I somewhat stopped and in my last push made it past baby's shoulders. Baby came out with its legs crossed so I'm in hopes and hanging on every word as to what the sex is. The doctor finally got the legs open and I was able to see it was a boy!!! Abram was instantly put onto my chest and the baby nurse was right there. I had instant tears and so did Adam. I couldn't believe we had another boy!
Abram Thomas Jamerson was born at 6:42 AM weighing in at 7 pounds 2 ounces, measuring 20 inches long, after just shy of 6 hours of labor and only pushing for 13 minutes!!! No drugs and no epidural. My L & D couldn't not have gone smoother!
Man was my gut wrong. Boy and a day after Valentine's. Michelle had joked with me shortly after I was admitted that I should have this baby before the shift change because she wanted to know what I was having. Well she got her wish.
Within the hour I was up and getting cleaned and changed and moving rooms. I was moved down to the Mommy and Baby rooms. Shortly after getting settled I recieved this picture.
Allen is happy to be a big brother.
We were discharged from the hospital the next day and by mid afternoon we were getting adjusted to being a family of four.
Allen is becoming a great big brother. He is so helpful and so sweet. He's very curious as to what Abram is eating when he's nursing. It's cute to see Allen try and figure it out.
This picture was taken yesterday, day 5 and I think it shows how well we all are getting adjusted. I love being a mommy and things couldn't be going any smoother
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