A friend of mine directed me to She Reads Truth. I highly recommend the site and to start a plan along with them. On June 2, I started the current plan that is going and we are studying in the book of Titus. After reading today's passage and the email/commentary that is included in the email that I receive daily I really got to thinking.
My spiritual journey has been short yes. In 2012 I wrote about our testimony (Adam and myself) which can be found here. I'm a new Christian, but I don't think that means that I can't be as spiritual and looking to be fed just the same as someone who would be considered an 'old' Christian.
So currently, I am reading my bible and studying Titus, Praying For Boys, Religion Saves, and Jesus Calling. I'm busy to say the least and try and squeeze in as much reading as I can with two littles keeping me extra busy.
So, back to where this all started: Spiritual Mothers. The greatest thing I read from this article and learned is we cannot and should not live and grow in the gospel alone.
When Adam and I attended CCC we had a small group and had others to help keep us accountable. I truly think that my Spiritual Mother at that time was Heather. She was the welcoming face to the church when Adam and I felt like all hope was lost. Again refer back to our testimony. If I needed advice I seeked out Heather. She was a more mature Christian than I was and I felt like I had a lot that I could learn from her. Now having moved out of Zion I'm trying to figure out who my Spiritual Mother is. Heather and I still talk, but it's different now that we don't live so close.
Adam and I now attend First Free Rockford and we have a small group. We have connections with other families that have small children like us, thanks to the amazing childcare that First Free offers. I attend Women's Bible Study on Wednesday nights, so I'm connected to and with women of the church. But, who is my Spiritual Mother? I think in time I will find out. We are new to the church and we are building more and more relationships.
I do truly feel like I have grown in my walk and I can't wait to see what is yet to come. God was truly the person that brought us back to Rockford and I have a stronger connection to this city more than I ever have before. I'm proud to say I live here. My family is here, my church is here and that makes me very happy. In a very short amount of time I have found true and good friends that along with myself have accepted Christ. Some of these people I have met in the most unexpected places...Instagram being one of them. I'm grateful for how these people have been brought into my life and I can't wait to see how these relationships build.
Praying for you to find the right Spiritual Mother in your new situation, and that God will reveal to you a few young women for you to pour into as well. I know how it is to be searching for that. God bless you! XOXO