Friday, April 26, 2013

What's in Your Diaper Bag, Chelsey?

Here is my first feature that the bestie and I came up with. After posting about my own diaper bag I have to feature Chelsey next of course. That's just how it works. So here are her answers to the questions.

Your name: Chelsey Felda
Blog: Lifes Little Souvenirs
Child/ren name and age: 1 daughter,  Ava, 8 months old

1.  What bag do you use? Do you love it/hate it?

I mostly use my Thirty-One Retro Metro Tote in Party Punch, but occasionally switch to my Petunia Pickle Bottom Boxy Backpack.
I love both of my bags, but have found myself using the tote more often as Ava gets older and requires more (I.E. food and more toys to keep her entertained while away) I love that the PPB has a detachable changing pad so I am able to use it with the tote as well. Oh, and the prints are ADORABLE on both bags.

2. The goods...what's inside your bag?

1. Face wipes because let's face it, babies are messy. ;)
2. A pen, Wet Ones, and Pacifier/Toy Cleaning Wipes: I keep a pen in the bag because I always need one when I don't have one in it, the Wet Ones are for those dirty high chairs and carts, and the wipes are pretty much self explanatory. 
3. Baby food, travel spoon, formula/formula dispenser, baby juice, and my Thirty-One thermal pouch to keep it all in.
4. Baby Mum Mum's, a granola bar for Mommy (or Daddy!), spare/emergency formula, and baby snacks (teether biscuits and puffs).
5. Wet bag and cloth diapers.
6. Bottles and a sippy cup. 
7. Teether toys!! I would DIE without these!!
8. Wipes holder with cloth wipes inside, diaper creams, and hand sanitizer.
9. Mommy's wristlet, Kleenex, and chap stick: the Kleenex because it is allergy season and the chap stick because Brian is always asking me for some. 
10. Pacifiers (always carry a spare!).
11. The "Med" Bag: in it we have things like gas drops, Tylenol, baby chap stick, teething gel, amber beads, etc. 
12. A big and a burp cloth because Ava always seems to spit up when we don't have them.
13. Spare clothes in their own wet bag.
14. Some crazy light up spinner Cinderella toy...not sure why that is in there...

3.What must you always, always, always have in your bag?
What must I always have in my bag?? That is a tough one since without one thing we almost always need it; which is why I carry so much! I would have to say that right now the one thing I must ALWAYS have in the bag is a pacifier and the wet bag...without the pacifier I can't distract her from her hunger in the even that I forgot the bottle, formula, or BOTH; which has been done before. And without the wet bag, well, let's just say we have one STINKY diaper bag without it.

4. What's the most random item in your bag?
The most random thing in my bag is definitely that Cinderella toy...I think I stuffed it in her bag when we were traveling to Georgia a few weekends ago...not sure why...

5. Dirty Secret...
My dirty secret is that I am guilty of having forgotten to take the dirty diapers out of the wet bag...oopsy! I should also swap out the spare clothes since I am almost positive they are from two months ago...guess that means we are lucky for not ever needing them! Now watch, we will need them and the clothes will be waaaaaaay too small! Ha! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Diaper Bag Series

My best friend and I came up with the idea to feature some of our friends that are mommas and what they have in their diaper bag. To start the series off I figured I could give you a look into what in my diaper bag and a look at the questions I will be asking my friends.

What is in your diaper bag?

Take a photo of your diaper bag and what's inside your bag

Child(ren) name and age:

1. What bag do you use? Do you love it/hate it?
2. The goods...what's inside your bag?
3. What must you always, always, always have in your bag?
4. What's the most random item in your diaper bag?
5. Dirty secret...

Here's my answers

Allen who is 6 months old

1. Vera Bradley's Make A Change Baby Bag in Baroque print and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my diaper bag. I love that a diaper pad is included with my bag and it's detachable
2. Diapers, wipes, creams, change of clothes, wetbag, bib, bottle(s), blanket, monkey toy, paci, hand sanitizer, diaper pad, face wipes, and my wristlet 
3. Diapers and a change of clothes. I feel like Allen has blowouts like it's his dayjob
4. A Bible for church on Sundays
5. I have forgotten a full bottle of formula a time or two and forgot that it was in my diaper bag for a couple days. Ooopsie 

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I have a 6 month old Monster

Okay yet again I feel like I'm saying it, but seriously where does the time go?! I have an almost 6 month old??? This can't be happening. He giggles, chews on his toes, and is almost fully sitting up on his own. And let me say again he has turned into a monster! He's going through a growth spurt and on top of that as if it's not enough on its own he's teething. I'm so ready for this one tooth to break through. It has been such a pain in my rear that I can't even begin to explain. Thank you teething tablets and Tylenol for taking some of the edge off of my monster's swelling gums. Allen has also decided that he's now big enough to put himself to sleep. Oh no he does not want to be snuggled, loved or rocked. Oh hell no, is this real life? He can't be big enough to do this. It's great because I get to laugh at him and what I see in his baby monitor while he puts himself to sleep, but come on give your mama a break and at least let her hold on to one part of you being little and needing me to go to sleep. Ha ha guess not.
Other than a growth spurt and teeth turning the Jamerson household into a complete shitshow things have been okay...not great, not awful just okay.
I'm a Thirty-One consultant and went to my first C & C meeting. What is that you ask. I got to learn about all the new summer awesome'ness that will be coming out next month. Be excited!!! I know I am. Well at this meeting guess what happened to meeeee. I ate gluten. Oh ya, you read that right. Not on purpose of course I accidentally consumed gluten and man oh man am I ready for it to get the f out of my system. Job wise things are good for me. I got a promotion and I'm an assistant director (director designee) at work. Job wise for Adam still currently looking. New leads still coming in and hopefully will be doing a post very shortly about what Adam does get for a job. Until then off to research if all the business that's going on with my monster is normal...