Thursday, January 23, 2014

36 Week Checkup

I'm on weekly appointments now to check and see how munchkin is doing. Today was a normal checkup and I was scheduled for an ultrasound to check the growth of baby. As the week went on I became more and more nervous. I don't know exactly why. This isn't my first pregnancy. I guess I was a mix of emotions more than just nervous.
When I was pregnant with Allen I never got this ultrasound, and I was already having complications this late in the game with Allen.
Everything seems so new this time around. Weird how same mama, different pregnancies/babies and things are all of the sudden so different. I was also nervous because as many know we are not finding out the sex of our baby, but every time an ultrasound gets brought up I play the mind game with myself of, do we find out this time??? Adam and I from the get go have NOT wanted to know the sex of our children. We decided it's the one last surprise in life as an adult. Ask me why I still question whether or not to find out every single time, I will probably never have an answer for you. It's probably just the curiosity.
I was also a mix of emotions because at my last appointment my BP was elevated. I had a deep gut feeling that history was repeating itself and at my appointments to come it would stay elevated and I would be induced again. I'm ok with induction. My L & D with Allen after being induced was not bad and it actually couldn't have gone better. Six hours of labor and 40 minutes of pushing and I was able to meet my son.
So I'm sure as you're reading you want me to get to how the appointment actually went. Ok, Ok sorry for the delay. Went and got my ultrasound and baby is STUBBORN. I have one picture and it's a picture looking up munchkin's nose. The technician tried and tried to get a profile or anything other than a nose and lips and baby was not having it. Hmmm, based on this any predictions of the sex? I'm still thinking stubborn girl. I was put into an exam room and was told the doctor would look over the pictures that were taken (the measurements of the baby, since actual pictures were out of the question) and she would be right in to see me. My due date has not changed it still stands at February 19, my BP is normal, and baby is weighing in at a whopping 5 pounds 9 ounces. The doctor said that the baby can gain up to a half pound a week but he or she is averaging small. I will be lucky to have a baby weighing more than 7 pounds. She joked and said that he or she should just fall out. I laughed, but say what an itty bitty. I thought Allen was small at 7 lbs 4 oz and my doctor is telling me I'm most likely going to have smaller!!! She then went on to tell me that this is now a waiting game. Ya, okay now the joke is on me right??? You mean I get to be one of the normal functioning pregnant women that just waits for when her baby decides it wants to come. I don't know how to do that? Yep I will admit it right here and now...I'm impatient! I know it is truly God's plan of when I will actually be going into labor, but I get to wait. Oh geesh.
I see in my near future me trying all the crazy ways to induce labor: jumping jacks, standing on my head, hot sauce, spicy food. You name it I bet I will be willing to try it.
I'm still quite shell shocked that my BP is normal, my pregnancy is going normal, and I get to play the waiting game.
Next doctor appointment is scheduled for the 30th. Can't wait to see what happens next.

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