Friday, January 17, 2014

Baby Jamerson #2

This is how we announced the news to close family members by letting them know that Allen was going to be a big brother.
Here I am with the positive test confirming that my gut instinct was right and we were in fact pregnant.

After the shock wore off of finding out that we were expecting baby number two sooner than we had planned I got everything set up to see the doctor. This pregnancy everything was different. Different insurance, different health network which meant a new OB. I was not thrilled to say the least. I picked an OB through word of mouth and went to 3 appointments. He was so rude and him and I did not mesh well! I picked a new doctor and loved her. Everything was right on track. My due date was discovered to be February 19, 2014. Nothing like having a baby due right before your birthday...
The end of the year was quickly coming upon us. Adam was offered a job back in Rockford and the whirlwind began.
Adam moved back the weekend of the 14th, I finished up work and moved the weekend of the 27th. Adam's new job meant new insurance and that meant another insurance, different network, and another new OB. Are you seeing a pattern this pregnancy?? So now the true test finding a doctor that will accept me as a patient this far along. I'm into my third trimester and I need a doctor yesterday. After numerous phone calls and suggestions from friends I found a doctor on the second try!
So today was my first appointment with my new doctor. I absolutely love her and the team that she works with.
I'm currently 35 and 2 days
I'm measuring exactly at 35 weeks
Baby's FHR was 156
I've gained a total of 25 pounds
My cervix is shortening and soft, I'm 50% effaced and a half centimeter dilated. The doctor goes on to tell me that I'm two weeks away from being full term. Say whhhhaaat?? She then goes on to tell me to get my last minute stuff in order and get my bag packed. OK I'm switching to full out freak out mode. I guess I forgot how close to my due date and having another baby is literally right around the corner. Oh, and my body seems to like to repeat history as my BP was slightly elevated. Doctor is going to keep an eye on me and we will go from there. I'm on weekly appointments and I am scheduled to have an ultrasound to see how baby is measuring before my normal checkup. Munchkin be prepared I get to see you next Thursday. You have been warned.
Here are some pictures that we have taken through the pregnancy
Baby at 12 weeks
We had a little fun with the baby bump and Halloween. We used Allen's hands
Side by side comparison from my pregnancy with Allen and my pregnancy now. I can't believe how truly different my pregnancies have been.
And this is me currently happy and content at 35 weeks.

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