Monday, June 11, 2012

Decisions, decisions

I recently joined and it has been extra helpful with giving advice and throwing out fun things to do while pregnant. Here is something I found helpful, I'm not reading into all of it, but it is very helpful especially being a first time mommy.

While going through the site one day I found something about a babymoon.
I didn't think much into it and then I started thinking more and more. My house can be a zoo and even though this is how life is for Adam and I, I can't remember the last time him and I had a get away with no animals just him and I. Thinking back about this the last time it was just him and I was when I went out to Virginia Beach to visit him for Thanksgiving. That was years ago and our lives have drastically changed since then! Some huge changes since then: we're married, we're pregnant, we own a house, we run a zoo...(two dogs, two cats, and a tank full of fish), and we have jobs (Adam in the Navy and part-time at the fire department, and I'm working full-time at KinderCare), oh ya and the huge one for me I'm now on a Gluten-Free diet. So thinking more and more into this babymoon it sounds AMAZING, but where do we go when our lives have drastically changed so much. 
When thinking about going on vacation with my new diet, slightly puts me into a panic! There are so many places that Adam and  I would love to go, but then the thought pops into my head of will there be places for me to eat and enjoy our time. 
Adam of course starts listing off places and I go looking into them and then right away start looking into places to eat and I didn't find much. Adam and I are only looking for a weekend get away. So I went and started my own search, low and behold I found an amazing website that helps plan any kind of trip and find places around the area that are accommodating for GF. How awesome is that!!!
I have found an amazing place in Galena, Illinois that seems perfect. I still have to get Adam's opinion because I'm thinking we might be wanting two different things on this babymoon. We're discussing what we want out of this weekend get away when he gets home today. I'm looking forward to going on this trip since it will be Adam and I taking time for just us right before baby comes. I think this is something that works perfectly for us. 


  1. Ahem, there is always Georgia...just saying... *cough cough* =P

  2. Oh how I wish our weekend get away could be to Georgia.

  3. We got married in Galena, we went gambling across the river, and enjoyed time at the Goldmoor Inn, :) I think it's romantic! Also, we have a mamaroo, like the one shown on your list of 11 must have's. Liam loved it, Lena just liked a traditional swing, it goes to show that babies can be satisfied with just simple!

  4. Amber thank you for the advice of the Goldmoor it looks like a great place!
