Monday, April 2, 2012

Week 8

Baby is the size of a large raspberry. My sweet little raspberry is looking more and more human-like every day. The lips, nose, eyelids, legs and back are continuing to take shape. Something new for the week is baby is making spontaneous movements, too tiny for me to feel just yet. I am officially starting to feel more and more pregnant and with this weeks picture I am thinking that a bump is starting to show more and more. I can't wait! My appetite is slowly coming back more and more.
Finally, I found a gluten-free bread that is squishy, and tastes great. Bring on the sandwiches!!!! The first day I bought the bread I ate two grilled-cheese sandwiches....yummy! 
Week 9 is right around the corner and I can't wait to learn about baby's development, with each coming week  finding out what baby is doing it just plain amazing.
On the other side of my life I put in applications to two different centers in the area and got a callback already from one of them. Waiting to hear back from the assistant director from the one location. Praising God for the wonderful opportunity that may be coming my way. The job that is possibly to come will be perfect for me and everything that I have been looking for. Waiting for more good news to come my way...